Move confidently through change with global change management speaker

“Mark DeVolder was fantastic, highly engaged with the audience. I have never seen an audience stick with the speaker the entire time. The best part, we walked out of the room with tools to help us with change management.”
Operations Lead, Monsanto

We recognize change is here to stay. Now, it’s time to…

Navigate change in a sustainable way.

Not with another methodology
Not with another run-of-the-mill keynote on change, but a…

Paced change.

A shift through your entire organization,

tangibly felt from the start of Mark’s keynote and lasting long into the future.


When you teach your teams how to understand change, view change, and navigate any change they experience, you will watch them go from fearing change to feeling empowered by change.

Helping organizations move confidently through change is Dr. Mark’s specialty.

He’s known as the Change Management Expert

Sure, he’s funny. And engaging. He laughs at himself on stage and creates experiences that result in return speaking requests spanning the globe. But, above all, Mark knows change. As one of the leading change management speakers, he knows why we fear it and how we get lost within it. And he knows how to help leaders and their teams navigate their way though it. When you move from fearing change to understanding how to move confidently through it, you feel empowered. What before was exhausting becomes a bold challenge to step into. Mark will give your audience a path to walk through every change they experience.

Global Thought-Leader on Transitions

Top 5 Change Management Speaker

Doctoral Researcher & Grounded Science Speaker

At Empowered Change, Dr. Mark DeVolder is an innovative and renowned change management keynote speaker who has transformed the way organizations approach and navigate change. With a compelling blend of expertise, enthusiasm, and practical insights, Dr. DeVolder captivates audiences around the globe.

More About Dr. Mark DeVolder

Dr. DeVolder’s dynamic presentations are more than just speeches. They are catalysts for change. As a conference keynote speaker, he dives deep into the intricacies of organizational transformation, offering fresh perspectives and actionable strategies that resonate with leaders and teams alike. 

He understands that change is not just a process but a journey that involves every individual within an organization. Dr. DeVolder’s keynote addresses are meticulously crafted to address the emotional and psychological aspects of change, helping audiences break through barriers and embrace new opportunities. His storytelling prowess and interactive style ensure that participants are not just passive listeners but active contributors to their transformation journey.

One of the hallmarks of Dr. DeVolder’s approach is his ability to make change management exciting and empowering. He believes that change, when approached with the right mindset and tools, can lead to remarkable innovation and growth. Through his insightful anecdotes and thought-provoking content, he inspires audiences to view change as a powerful force for positive development.

Dr. DeVolder’s credentials as a change management keynote speaker are bolstered by his extensive experience working with top-tier organizations across various industries. His deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in change management makes him a trusted advisor to business leaders worldwide.

Empowered Change is dedicated to helping organizations harness the potential of change, and Dr. Mark DeVolder is at the forefront of this mission. His visionary insights and practical guidance empower individuals and organizations to not only adapt to change but to leverage it as a springboard for success.

Invite Dr. Mark DeVolder to your next event and discover the transformative power of an innovative change management keynote speaker. 

A few of the clients who trust
Mark when navigating change

“Remarkable Energy. Inspiring. Engaging.”

The Words of our Customers

Choose the service that’s right for your organization.

Organizational change management, transformation & skill development from one the world’s leading change management speakers.


Empowering, action-focused change management speaker & keynotes designed to produce immediate results.

Your leaders and teams will learn how to navigate change and feel confident about what lies ahead.


Interactive training that moves teams from exhausted and overwhelmed to energized and excited. This is real skill-development. No fluff. Available Onsite or Virtually.

Warning: Mark’s workshops are known to cause excessive laughter and happiness!


Make the change you’re navigating easier.

Mark has advised some of the world’s largest companies, providing guidance as they move through mergers and acquisitions, corporate culture shifts, and unprecedented change.

Don’t go it alone. Go together.

Take the first steps in making a change

Contact Mark

Discuss Your Organization’s Needs

Collaborate on a Customized Workshop

Book Dr. Mark DeVolder Today

Let Mark DeVolder show you how to make your next event a huge success.

Book Dr. Mark DeVolder Today

Let Mark DeVolder show you how to make your next event a huge success.